Friday, 24 August 2012

Fresh & French

BONJOUR!  I`m a bit of a francophile, but my French is, frankly, quite shockingly terrible, tres bon, it is not!  To make up for this here are 3 of some of the loveliest French style items I could find in the shops of my fellow FOLKSY shop owners! Click the links to view!

What a lovely fresh blue design,  I`d love this in my summerhouse !  £12.00  from JennyBenny.

I use lavender all of the time when I make my soap, balms and body butters.  It`s simply one of my favorites and is a truly excellent essential oil with many many benefits so this beautiful print (£63.75 from Eyeshoot phtography) was especially eye catching to me!

This ultra cute little wooden boat (£8.00 Wood & Rope) can be customised with a childs name etc and would look great in a nautically inspired childs room or bathroom.  I think its wonderful!

Here in the UK, the summer holidays are almost over, I`m always quite sad at this time of the year as I get so used to having my children around ALL of the time and I do miss then when they start school again.  I`m also struck that they are a year older as they move up a year at school.  I have so many happy memories of this summer and all the fun we have had.  I bet I`m not the only one!

See you soon XX

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for saying nice things about my Lavender Print Set!
